Creating an Altar – Heku

The Ancient Egyptians made offerings to their deities on altars in offering halls located outside the sanctuaries of temples. Some altars might also be placed in other courts and halls in the temple complex. The altars were various sizes; some quite large, carved and decorated square blocks, others small and table-like. Bas-relief and other decorations … Continue reading Creating an Altar – Heku

Heku – Magical Stories (Part 2)

While the stories of Heku written on the Wescar Papyrus tell of miracles performed by the high priests, they also relate historical magical stories that have been carried forward from Ancient Egypt. Another story in the Westcar papyrus, as told at the royal court of Pharaoh Khufu  (25th century BCE) is as follows: Khafra stood … Continue reading Heku – Magical Stories (Part 2)

Stories of Magic – Heku

In Ancient Egypt, magic was tightly bound up with writing (although there must have been an extensive oral tradition which was never recorded and is therefore lost to us). Most priests gained magical and medical knowledge by studying ancient scriptures. The lector-priests (high priests) were the most knowledgeable as they were the keepers of the … Continue reading Stories of Magic – Heku

The Book of Heku

Heku (Hekau) is a type of magic that Egyptian priestesses and sorcerers performed in the ancient Egyptian religion. The Heku energy came from the powers of the gods/goddess Heka, Hu, and Sia - all representative of the natural world, birth and re-birth. Generally, Hekua is seen as the Ancient Egyptian reverence for language and knowledge. … Continue reading The Book of Heku