Wadj-wer, the “Great Green” Deity

Wadj-wer (or Uat-Ur ) is translated in ancient Egyptian as "the Great Green" referring to a either the Mediterranean Sea or a large body of water such as the network of lakes at the northern limits of the Delta. There are inscriptions of "crossing the great green" by foot which would indicate a land-crossing through … Continue reading Wadj-wer, the “Great Green” Deity

Springtime at the Northern California Sanctuary

As the weather grows a little warmer and there is more light during the day, the population of birds swell and their sounds echo throughout our Northern California Sanctuary. With the coming of Spring there is a proliferation of bird species of all types, ranging from blue jays to robins, hawks to owls, ducks to … Continue reading Springtime at the Northern California Sanctuary

Temples, Sanctuaries, and Shrines

In ancient Egypt magical ceremonies and rituals were performed by priests and priestesses in Temples dedicated to the various dieties. These rites and offerings were performed to the gods/goddesses who upheld Maat - the divine order of the Universe. Like the ancient Egyptians, the ritual duties at the Iseum are the responsibility of the priestesses, … Continue reading Temples, Sanctuaries, and Shrines